Does Your Business Really Need a Website?
These days, you can get an online presence with a few clicks on any social media platform. In minutes, you could set up a Facebook business page, a YouTube channel, or a free blog! If you can bring your business online so…Read More

Tips for Getting a Logo for Your Small Business
We all know what to expect from the golden arches of the McDonald’s logo, the active swoosh of the Nike logo, or the simple yet refined Apple logo. These logos tell us what we’re getting (food, shoes, electronics), but more importantly, they…Read More

The Best Online Business Practices
When you walk into a restaurant, you receive service from a real, live person. Online, we often conduct business without ever interacting one-on-one with another person. And when we do, we often don’t see them face to face, because we communicate via…Read More

Doing Business Online with Multiple Income Streams
Most small businesses have established an online presence. They have a website and are running ad campaigns and using marketing strategies to draw targeted traffic to their sites. But some small businesses are missing online opportunities for diversifying their income streams because…Read More

Strategies for Doing Business Online
These days, having an effective online presence can make or break your business. Even if you have a traditional brick-and-mortar location, setting up shop online will give you access to a larger customer pool, provide a cost-effective avenue for information sharing, and…Read More

An Introduction to Doing Business Online
Many of my clients have done business offline. And by offline, I mean they do all their business in the three-dimensional world that exists beyond computers and the internet. Some of them are new business owners who are just starting out and…Read More