Using Analytics to Understand Your Website Visitors

Who’s coming to your website? Are you drawing the audience you want? How can you use analytics to understand your visitors, target the right audience for your offerings, and grow your business? We all want to bring traffic to our websites and…Read More

website performance

How to Determine Whether Your Website is Effective from the Front End

Today we’ll examine how to test and assess your website’s presentation from the front end. A website is made up from code, text, images, and other media. Visitors view the website through a browser, and the code tells the browser how to…Read More

website performance reporting

How Often Do You Assess Your Website’s Performance?

Clients often ask me how often they should run website performance reports. The easy, canned answer is that you should run them once a month. But for some websites, that’s too often and a waste of time. For others, it’s not often…Read More

website performance monitoring

An Introduction to Website Performance Monitoring

Most small business owners and independent professionals invest considerably in their websites. They pay good money for design and content, and in return, they expect the site to perform well. But what does that mean? How do we measure website performance? And…Read More

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